Road Works Poetry

A public, short-form poetry project for Dumfries. 


Dear Poets.


We sincerely apologise but the company that was hiring the machinery to display your poems has let us down and given us the wrong technical information.

We are endeavouring to find a solution and will be in touch with an update as soon as we have one.

We had over 50 submissions of moving, insightful poems and we will make sure they find an audience on the High street.

Thanks so much for your contribution.

Best wishes.

D-Lux Team

Date: 10th - 17th September 2021


D-Lux invites you to submit a short poem celebrating Home, Hope and Seasons of Change to be shown on a yellow LED messaging sign on Dumfries High Street.

Send us your submissions by 7th September for display on Dumfries High Street from 10th – 17th September (see bottom of page).

Thanks to all who’ve sent us their fantastic poems already.

View our 'How To' guide

What kinds of poems are we looking for?

In the hands of the region’s poets, the LED sign becomes a powerful way to explore and share thoughts on the last year and hopes and dreams for the future.

How has the last year made you feel about home? What’s given you hope? What changes have you seen? Have you come to appreciate the seasons and nature in a different way?

“Short-form” - what’s that?

The LED sign we’re using can display:

• up to eight lines of text

• up to 26 characters per line (including spaces and any punctuation).

It’s perfect for a stripped-back, short-line style, which is why we’ve asked some top local poets who specialise in short forms to run some public workshops for us.

Poetry Workshops

Each workshop will concentrate on a different traditional style and will be sure to inspire.
Everyone is welcome to participate.

Next workshop: 2nd August – new workshop dates coming soon

Past workshops:
Road Works Workshop with JoAnne McKay

Send us your work

Please make sure your submission arrives with us no later than 12pm on 9th August 2021.

Terms & Conditions

By submitting your work to us, you agree that D-Lux can display it on Dumfries High Street and elsewhere, including on our website and in our promotional material.

Anything you send us remains your property (copyright to you).

We cannot guarantee to display all submissions sent to us and will not display anything we deem liable to upset members of the public (obscenity, racism, sexism etc).

Please include your name in your email.